George G. Bates in his Knights of Columbus uniform.

McManus Brothers, Traverse City, Mich.
George G. Bates, wearing his Knights of Columbus uniform.
George was born circa 1873 in New York. He lived with his wife Mayme and two-year-old daughter Janette at 213 Franklin Street in Traverse City on Tuesday, April 19, 1910, working as the proprietor of a magazine shop. They had moved to Traverse City sometime between 1908 and 1910 (Archiball F. Cameron household, 1910 US census, Grand Traverse County, Michigan, population schedule, Traverse City ward 1, ED 51, SD 11, sheet 5A, dwelling 98, family 108; NARA microfilm T624, roll 648).

McManus Brothers, Traverse City, Mich.
George G. Bates, wearing his Knights of Columbus uniform.
George was born circa 1873 in New York. He lived with his wife Mayme and two-year-old daughter Janette at 213 Franklin Street in Traverse City on Tuesday, April 19, 1910, working as the proprietor of a magazine shop. They had moved to Traverse City sometime between 1908 and 1910 (Archiball F. Cameron household, 1910 US census, Grand Traverse County, Michigan, population schedule, Traverse City ward 1, ED 51, SD 11, sheet 5A, dwelling 98, family 108; NARA microfilm T624, roll 648).